Cathy BermanMarketing & Ecommerce Director

In three words, how would your closest friends describe you?
I wasn’t sure so I asked her. She said “Caring, funny and determined”.

Could you share your role and responsibilities at Bravissimo?
At Bravissimo I am the Marketing and Ecommerce Director which means I work with the Marketing team to help find and keep lovely customers, present our key USP’s, our purpose and what we stand for, showcase our brand in the best possible way and ensure we are their place of choice for bra shopping. I am also lucky enough to be part of the SLT and have input into the broader Bravissimo opportunities and challenges.

What do you find most rewarding about working at Bravissimo?
I have loved how collaborative it is, with what feels to me the right approach in working together. It is also so great to work somewhere where purpose sits at the heart of what we do, externally as well as internally. (Also, not everyone gets to say boobs 20 times a day in their job and I quite enjoy that).

If you could offer advice to your younger self, what would it be?
The world is made up of opinions and narratives, don’t let other peoples’ dictate who you are. You are better than you think.

Do you have a personal quote or mantra that guides your life?
Hold the context, manage the energy and try to look on the bright side.

Could you reveal your special party trick?
Ha – not sure I have a party trick, but if there is music you will usually find me on the dance floor.

Share a song that always lifts your spirits and why it's meaningful to you. Everybody’s Free - Baz Luhrmann. The lyrics are so wise it feels like it should be compulsory listening.

Lastly, what's your favourite go-to bra?
Millie! Love it. I have 3 colors and want more!
