Diversity & Inclusion

Our Pledge and updates

We are committed to being more diverse as an organisation and representative of our wonderful Bravissimo community. We embrace everything that makes us diverse and want to be inclusive in supporting both our customers and our employees.

Belonging at Bravissimo

At Bravissimo we have a ‘Belonging at Bravissimo’ group, who are a diverse group of people from different areas of Bravissimo who are passionate about making us an inclusive place to be, for our teams and for our customers.

The group meets regularly to have open and honest conversations about how we ensure everyone feels included at Bravissimo and can be themselves. They do this by facilitating two-way communication across all our teams, creating an environment where we have open discussions, challenge how we do things currently, listen to ideas and understand what people need to feel like they belong here.


Inclusive Fittings

We know that our customers are individual and unique (just like our boobs!) and we celebrate and support this. That’s why we don’t have a ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to our fitting rooms (or anything we do). We want to offer you the support and service that’s right for you, whilst providing an inclusive and safe place for all our teams and customers.

We welcome and include everyone who wants to shop with us. However you identify, and whatever your needs, Bravissimo is a safe and uplifting space for you.

All of our shops teams have access to training to ensure we are able to offer inclusive and welcoming fitting experiences for everyone:
• Fitting those who identify as transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming
• Fitting neuro-diverse customers
• Fitting customers with a physical impairment

To help ensure our fittings are inclusive and safe for everyone…
• We offer a personalised service to each and every one of our customers and this means that we have lots of people around to support and help, and make sure that our fitting rooms are inclusive and safe for all.
• We give you the power to choose what experience is right for you. So, if you would rather be fitted away from other customers or at a quieter time we will do whatever it takes. Some examples might be: separate fitting rooms, out of hours fitting, booking in at a quieter time, having a virtual fit, booking in with someone you feel comfortable with, most shops have a ground floor fitting room as an option and we also have larger fitting rooms available if required.
• We have fitting rooms with doors not curtains in most of our stores – which enables more privacy to everyone in the fitting room.
• We treat everyone as an individual when finding you the right support to make sure it suits your needs and you leave feeling uplifted.

This isn’t a definitive list of what we can do and we are always learning, so please talk to us about any needs that you may have and we’d be happy to help.

Autism Acceptance Week

28th March – 3rd April 2022 was Autism Acceptance week and we wanted to show support for this in our shops and across Bravissimo.

Throughout the week our shops were decorated, and our teams wore blue, the recognised colour for Autism Acceptance. We held a quiet shopping hour on Sunday 3rd April with appointment only fittings, no music, lower noise levels in general and with staff being especially conscious of creating a more welcoming environment for those with autism. We are looking into how we offer this as a longer term permanent option for our customers and how we make our environment as inclusive as possible. We also collaborated with the National Autistic Society for our lifting up series in April…



Lifting Up

Since June 2021 we have run a series called ‘Lifting up’ on our social media channels, where we amplify diverse voices and raise awareness for different causes.
The purpose of this spotlight is to support and uplift other communities and to use our platform to shine a spotlight on different charities, organisations and social causes chosen by our community or our Belonging at Bravissimo group.

So far we have raised over £5000.00 for the following charities:

  • Black Women Rising

  • Switchboard

  • National Autistic Society


Here at Bravissimo, we’re proud to support Pride! We recognise that there’s lots that we can all do to celebrate and represent LGBTQIA+ communities in June, but Pride is more than a month and we’re committed to supporting our LGBTQIA+ community every day of the year. We want to be very open and honest with you on what we’re doing, but we always welcome your thoughts on what more we can do better, so that we can continue to be inclusive and representative of our wonderfully diverse community at Bravissimo.

Through our lifting up series we amplify LGBTQIA+ voices on our social channels, sharing content to educate our audience. We also share resources and content to educate our internal teams and encourage everyone to take the time to learn more about how we can become better allies to our LGBTQIA+ community. One step towards this is that we are in the process of updating our name badges that we wear in stores so all of our teams have the option to have their pronouns printed on their badge if they wish.


Models & Imagery

We are committed to continue our focus on ensuring our models and imagery reflect and represent our diverse community.

Skin Tone Bras

We have focused on increasing the choice of skin tone bras in our product range and we are continuing this work so we can offer more choice for our community of big-boobed people. Bras are no longer labelled under the term “nude” in any of our shops or online channels. These “skin tone bras” will now have a name appropriate to their shade – e.g. latte, cinnamon etc. We recognise this is a first step in a positive change to more representation of range, as we are working internally on longer term change with our branded suppliers to influence both language and the range of products and colours available for our customers

Our commitment to the BRC Diversity and Inclusion charter

We are proud to be one of the 84 retailers who have signed up to commit to the Better Jobs D&I Charter of the British Retail Consortium (BRC). Being inclusive, diverse and fair is something we're really passionate about at Bravissimo. This is an important step for us, and for the retail industry as a whole.

The charter focuses on oversight, recruitment, progression, reporting, inclusivity and responsibility – helping retailers challenge their culture and biases holistically and embed D&I into every aspect of their business.


What does this mean at Bravissimo?

  1. Our CEO is accountable for Diversity and Inclusion in our business and our People and Culture Director is the executive with responsibility for D&I

  2. We ensure there is no bias in the recruitment process and have undertaken a transparent process of audit

  3. We take positive action that supports open career opportunity and progression

  4. We commit to contributing data on our diversity in the workplace which will feed in to the BRC Better Jobs dashboard

  5. We commit to create a respectful, inclusive work environment within which every employee has the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the company’s vision and values

  6. We believe supporting equity in the workplace is the responsibility of all line managers

We offer training to our line managers on psychological safety, inclusive leadership and working with neurodiversity to support them to create an inclusive environment in their teams.

See below for the other retailers who have signed up, and to find out more, head to the BRC's website.


Throughout the year we recognise, celebrate and learn about subjects and events that matter to our people. Over the last 2 years we have covered the below in a variety of ways and hope continue to raise awareness and focus on a diverse range of topics so everyone feels that they Belong at Bravissimo.

• Dyslexia Awareness Week
• Chinese New Year celebrations
• Pride
• Autism Acceptance week
• Menopause
• Mental Health Awareness week
• Breast Cancer Awareness month
• International Women’s Day
• Partnership with Women’s Aid
• Review of accessibility in shops
• Black History Month

Diversity Data at Bravissimo~To make true lasting change you need to start with the foundations. We collected diversity data across Bravissimo with headlines below:

Whole Organisation - Ethnicity%
Asian/Asian British3%
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British5%
Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups5%
Other ethnic group1%
Prefer not to say/doesn't apply1%
Leadership Team - Ethnicity%
Asian/Asian British3%
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British5%
Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups5%
Other ethnic group0%

Whole Organisation - Gender%
Female Cisgender89%
Male Cisgender6%
None of these apply to me/prefer not to say3.5%
Leadership Team - Gender%
Female Cisgender90%
Male Cisgender6%
None of these apply to me/prefer not to say2%

This information helps us focus on where change is needed, working with our Belonging at Bravissimo group, who work to hold us all to account in supporting diversity and being more representative in all we do including, but not only: marketing and models, product ranging, recruitment and team diversity.

Some of our customers have asked what our policies and position on sustainability and supply chain are. Take a look at our commitment to being sustainable and modern slavery statement.