Our guide to first bra shopping
It’s natural to feel a bit anxious about first bra fittings – we get it. That's why we're so passionate about creating the most uplifting, feel-good fittings so they can be a milestone to look forward to!
So, whether it’s her very first fitting, a fit check or a specialist fitting for sports bras or swimwear, here are our tips for making it an experience she’ll love:
What age should girls start wearing a bra?
We are all wonderfully unique and there’s no ‘right time’ for a first bra. However, if her chest has started to grow, she’s experiencing growth pain or discomfort, she needs more support during sports, or she’s feeling self-conscious about her changing shape, it’s time to get fitted!
“My daughter had been feeling self-conscious about her changing teenage body so I suggested we come for a fitting. She felt so comfortable after finding a bra that was right for her she cried with relief!”Julie
How to measure for a first bra
We always recommend having a professional fitting for a first bra. Our expert fittings are free, personalized and there’s no obligation to buy anything. They’re offered with or without appointment via video call from the comfort of your own home.
And the best bit? She won’t even need to take her bra off as we fit by eye – so there no tape measures, no nakedness and definitely no judgements!
“I brought my 14-year-old daughter for a fitting and we laughed, learned, and left with gorgeous bras - all in half an hour! I can’t recommend it enough.”Claire
How to choose a first bra
When it comes to finding her most comfortable first bra, making sure it’s a style and shape that works for her is just as important as getting the size right.
We’re on hand to help you choose 7 days a week over the phone, via Live Chat or by booking a virtual fitting. We’ve also got loads of online resources to help her to work out which styles might work, including our bra style guide below.
“It was my 12 year old daughter’s first fitting, and she had such a positive experience coming away with two bras that made her feel so confident!"Susie
Choosing a sports bra
We know first-hand that having the right support can be the difference between participating in gym class and sport and sitting on the sidelines.
Take a look at our sports bra guide below for everything you need to know about choosing the perfect sports bra. Not sure where to start? Speak to one of our bra experts for a sports bra fitting!
“As a girl playing rugby, having a supportive sports bra has given me the confidence to be me. I've got even more trust in my body and the amazing things it can do.” Sian
Why not get fitted together?
Getting fitted for her first bra can be an exciting milestone. But why let her have all the fun? If you haven’t been measured for a while or your bra doesn’t feel right, why not get fitted together?! As well as supportive underwear, you’ll come away with bags full of confidence and memories to cherish.