I was dubious as to whether these would work for me as my bust is 34G but they worked perfectly allowing me to wear my normal bra with a dress with a very deep back. Delighted.
Absolutely saved my bacon!4 out of 5 stars
Color: Black
Review by Ami on
I was asked to steward at a formal event, however it turned out to be on one of the hottest days ever recorded in the UK (!!) so I last-minute ditched my outfit in favour of a flowy jumpsuit I'd spotted out shopping. Problem was, it was backless!
One panicked dash to Bravissimo later, I was very kindly fitted into this low back converter by an assistant. When I say the jumpsuit was backless, I mean it literally stopped maybe two or three inches from my bum - but the assistant was able to get the converter low enough that only a single safety pin was needed to disguise it fully. I personally found it comfortable to wear, and stopped noticing it after a while.
If you're buying this because you have a totally backless garment (i.e. the entire back on display), then some adjustment will be needed to hide it fully. However if you simply have a top with a lowered back (like a Bardot top or bodysuit), and/or a top or dress with a back slit, then this converter will do just fine.
I recommend speaking to someone in store about how to put it on, as I would never have figured it out myself! I'm also quite slender (UK size 8), so your mileage may vary if you are of a curvier build.
I must be doing something wrong!1 out of 5 stars
Color: Black
Review by Kimberly G on
I was completely disappointed in this product and I figure I must be doing something wrong. It does not work to lower the back of the bra in any way. Would not recommend.
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